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The first step in the knowledge crunching phase is to define the ubiquitous language of the project. The ubiquitous language is a shared language that is used by all team members to discuss the domain of the project. To define the ubiquitous language, we identified the main terms and concepts related to the project and created a glossary that defines each term and its meaning.

Global Concepts

SystemThe application that is
UserA person who uses the system and it's registered
User ProfileInformation about a user
MessageA piece of text sent by a user
FriendA user who is added to another user's friend list
FriendshipA pair of users who have added each other as friends
Friend RequestA request to add a user as a friend, sent by another user
Friendship MessageA message sent in a friendship
Friendship SessionA session dedicated to a friendship
ServerA group of channels and members
Server ProfileInformation about a server
OwnerThe user who created a server
MemberA user who is joined in a server
ChannelA room inside a server
Message ChannelA channel used for text chat
Channel MessageA message sent in a message channel
Multimedia ChannelA channel used for video chat
Multimedia SessionA session dedicated to a multimedia channel or a Direct



RegisteringThe action performed by a person to create an account and becoming a user
Logging inThe action performed by a user to enter the system and authenticate himself
Logging outThe action performed by a user to exit the system
Updating user profileThe action performed by a user to change their profile information and preferences


Sending a friend requestThe action performed by a user to send a friend request to another user
Accepting a friend requestThe action performed by a user to accept a friend request from another user
Rejecting a friend requestThe action performed by a user to reject a friend request from another user
Sending a friendship messageThe action performed by a user to send a message to another user
Joining a friendship sessionThe action performed by a user to enter a multimedia session related to a friendship


Creating a serverThe action performed by a user to create a server
Joining a serverThe action performed by a user to enter a server
Leaving a serverThe action performed by a user to exit a server
Deleting a serverThe action performed by a user to delete a server
Kicking a memberThe action performed by a user to remove a member from a server
Update server profileThe action performed by a user to update server settings


Creating a channelThe action performed by a user to create a channel
Deleting a channelThe action performed by a user to delete a channel
Joining a multimedia sessionThe action performed by a user to enter a session related to a multimedia channel
Changing channel settingsThe action performed by a user to change channel settings


Leaving a sessionThe action performed by a user to exit a session
Turning on the cameraThe action performed by a user to start the camera in a session
Turning off the cameraThe action performed by a user to stop the camera in a session
Turning on the microphoneThe action performed by a user to start the microphone in a session
Turning off the microphoneThe action performed by a user to stop the microphone in a session

Bounded-Contexts Glossary

User Bounded-Context

UserA person who uses the system and it's registered
User ProfileInformation about a user
RegisteringThe action performed by a person to create an account and becoming a user
Logging inThe action performed by a user to enter the system and authenticate himself
Logging outThe action performed by a user to exit the system
Updating user profileThe action performed by a user to change their profile information and preferences

Friendship Bounded-Context

FriendA user who is added to another user's friend list
FriendshipA pair of users who have added each other as friends
Friend RequestA request to add a user as a friend, sent by another user
MessageA message sent in a friendship
Sending a friend requestThe action performed by a user to send a friend request to another user
Accepting a friend requestThe action performed by a user to accept a friend request from another user
Rejecting a friend requestThe action performed by a user to reject a friend request from another user
Sending a friendship messageThe action performed by a user to send a message to another user
Joining a friendship sessionThe action performed by a user to enter a multimedia session related to a friendship

Server Bounded-Context

ServerA group of channels and members
Server SettingsInformation about a server
OwnerThe user who created a server
MemberA user who is joined in a server
Creating a serverThe action performed by a user to create a server
Joining a serverThe action performed by a user to enter a server
Leaving a serverThe action performed by a user to exit a server
Deleting a serverThe action performed by a user to delete a server
Kicking a memberThe action performed by a user to remove a member from a server
Update server settingsThe action performed by a user to update server settings

Channel Bounded-Context

ChannelA room inside a server
Text ChannelA channel used for text chat
Multimedia ChannelA channel used for video chat
MessageA message sent in a message channel
Channel SettingsInformation about a channel
Creating a channelThe action performed by a user to create a channel
Deleting a channelThe action performed by a user to delete a channel
Sending a messageThe action performed by a user to send a message in a text channel
Changing channel settingsThe action performed by a user to change channel settings

Session Bounded-Context

DirectA pair of users with a friendship relationship
ServerA group of channels and members
ChannelA multimedia room inside a server
SessionA session dedicated to a friendship or a multimedia channel
Joining a multimedia sessionThe action performed by a user to enter a session related to a direct or a multimedia channel
Leaving a sessionThe action performed by a user to exit a session
Turning on the cameraThe action performed by a user to start the camera in a session
Turning off the cameraThe action performed by a user to stop the camera in a session
Turning on the microphoneThe action performed by a user to start the microphone in a session
Turning off the microphoneThe action performed by a user to stop the microphone in a session