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Non Functional Property / Quality Attributes

Non Functional Property (or Quality attributes) of a software system are constraint on the manner in which the system implements and delivers its functionality.

In our case, we have identified the following non-functional properties:

Quality Attributes Overview

Operational Properties

  1. Availability
    1. Fault tolerance to ensure system availability.
    2. Automatic recovery of the system in case of failure.
    3. Possibility of redundancy of critical components to ensure system availability.
  2. Scalability & Performance:
    1. Ability of horizontal scalability to handle increasing operational load.
  3. Deployability:
    1. Automated deployment of new software releases.
  4. Reliability & Continuity:
    1. Restore the parts of the system that were affected by a failure.
  5. Observability:
    1. Monitoring of system performance.
    2. Graphical representation of system performance.

Structural Properties

  1. Extensibility:
    1. Clearly defined architecture to allow the addition of new features.
  2. Maintainability:
    1. Artifact modularity.
    2. Well-structured and understandable source code.
  3. Testability:
    1. Automated testing.
    2. Unit testing.
    3. Integration testing.
    4. Acceptance testing.

Security Properties

  1. Authentication of users to verify their identity.
  2. Authorization of users to access resources according to established rules.
  3. Encryption to ensure confidentiality of user passwords.

Quality Attributes Scenarios

Also for some of these non-functional property, we have identified some scenarios that will be used to evaluate the quality of the system:

Availability Scenario

Fault Tolerance

  • Stimulus: A server node becomes unavailable.
  • Stimulus Source: Hardware failure.
  • Response: The system detects the failure and reroutes traffic to available nodes.
  • Response Measure: The system reroutes traffic in less than 5 seconds without service interruption.
  • Environment: Normal runtime operations.
  • Artifact: Server management system.

Automatic Recovery

  • Stimulus: An unexpected outage occurs.
  • Stimulus Source: Software malfunction.
  • Response: The system automatically performs a failover and restores service.
  • Response Measure: Service is restored within 10 seconds.
  • Environment: Normal runtime operations.
  • Artifact: Entire system.

Deployability Scenario

Deployment Automation

  • Stimulus: A new software release is ready for deployment.
  • Stimulus Source: Development team.
  • Response: The system automatically deploys the new release to the production environment.
  • Response Measure: Deployment is completed within 30 minutes since the release is ready without manual intervention.
  • Environment: Production environment.
  • Artifact: Deployment system.

Scalability and Performance Scenario

Horizontal Scalability

  • Stimulus: Sudden increase in the number of users.
  • Stimulus Source: Advertised event bringing new users to the platform.
  • Response: The system dynamically adds computing resources to handle the increased load.
  • Response Measure: No negative impact on performance with a 100% increase in users.
  • Environment: Normal runtime operations.
  • Artifact: Server management system.

Reliability and Continuity Scenario

System Restoration

  • Stimulus: Part of the system fails.
  • Stimulus Source: Network issue causing service disruption.
  • Response: The system isolates and repairs the affected part, restoring functionality.
  • Response Measure: Service is restored within 5 minutes.
  • Environment: Normal runtime operations.
  • Artifact: Entire system.

Observability Scenario

Performance Monitoring

  • Stimulus: A new software release is deployed.
  • Stimulus Source: Development team.
  • Response: The system monitors performance metrics in real-time and generates reports.
  • Response Measure: Performance reports are generated within 2 minutes of deployment.
  • Environment: Production environment.
  • Artifact: Monitoring system.

Extensibility Scenario

Feature Addition

  • Stimulus: A new feature is requested by the product team.
  • Stimulus Source: Product team.
  • Response: The system supports the integration of the new feature with minimal changes to existing code.
  • Response Measure: Time required to add the new feature is less than 2 weeks.
  • Environment: Development environment.
  • Artifact: System architecture.

Maintainability Scenario

Code Maintenance

  • Stimulus: A bug is reported in an existing feature.
  • Stimulus Source: End user.
  • Response: The development team fixes the bug with localized changes.
  • Response Measure: The bug is resolved within 24 hours.
  • Environment: Development and testing environment.
  • Artifact: Source code.

Testability Scenario

Automated Testing

  • Stimulus: A new feature is completed.
  • Stimulus Source: Development team.
  • Response: The system runs a suite of automated tests.
  • Response Measure: 95% of tests must pass without errors.
  • Environment: Testing environment.
  • Artifact: Test suite.

Security Scenario

User Authentication

  • Stimulus: A user attempts to log into the system.
  • Stimulus Source: User login request.
  • Response: The system verifies the user's identity using secure credentials.
  • Response Measure: Authentication is completed within 2 seconds.
  • Environment: Normal runtime operations.
  • Artifact: Authentication module.

Data Encryption

  • Stimulus: A user submits a password for login.
  • Stimulus Source: User login request.
  • Response: The system encrypts the password before storing it.
  • Response Measure: The password is encrypted using an advanced encryption algorithm.
  • Environment: Normal runtime operations.
  • Artifact: Credential management system.