
interface ServerModelRepository : CrudRepository<ServerEntity, String>


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abstract fun count(): Long
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abstract fun delete(@NonNull entity: @NonNull ServerEntity)
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abstract fun deleteAll()
abstract fun deleteAll(@NonNull entities: @NonNull MutableIterable<ServerEntity>)
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abstract fun deleteById(@NonNull id: @NonNull String)
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abstract fun existsById(@NonNull id: @NonNull String): Boolean
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abstract fun findAll(): @NonNull MutableList<ServerEntity>
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abstract fun findById(@NonNull id: @NonNull String): @NonNull Optional<ServerEntity>
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abstract fun <S : ServerEntity> save(@NonNull entity: @NonNull S): @NonNull S
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abstract fun <S : ServerEntity> saveAll(@NonNull entities: @NonNull MutableIterable<S>): @NonNull MutableList<S>
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abstract fun <S : ServerEntity> update(@NonNull entity: @NonNull S): @NonNull S
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abstract fun <S : ServerEntity> updateAll(@NonNull entities: @NonNull MutableIterable<S>): @NonNull MutableList<S>