Package-level declarations


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class Friendship(id: FriendshipId = FriendshipId(), val users: Set<String> = mutableSetOf(), val messages: MutableList<Message> = mutableListOf()) : AggregateRoot<FriendshipId>
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class FriendshipId(value: String = newId()) : UUIDEntityId
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class FriendshipRequest(val id: FriendshipRequestId = FriendshipRequestId(), val from: String, val to: String) : AggregateRoot<FriendshipRequestId>
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class FriendshipRequestId(value: String = newId()) : UUIDEntityId
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class Message(val id: MessageId = MessageId(), val sender: String, val content: String, val timestamp: Instant) : Entity<MessageId>
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class MessageId(value: String = newId()) : UUIDEntityId


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